Environmental Engineering PhD

The Environmental Engineering PhD 是工程学院的一个博士项目,它能给你提供知识和证书,让你设计出大规模的解决方案,以应对对人类健康和居住的广泛环境威胁. Devise the biological, 应对气候变化和日常生态破坏的化学和物理策略. 

这种可定制的博士学位允许您在您感兴趣的首选领域进行深入研究. 你可以从当前的教师研究项目中选择,也可以自己设计. Faculty members are currently researching

  • advanced treatments for drinking water and wastewater,
  • emerging contaminants in the environment,
  • environmental biotechnology,
  • fate and transformation of environmental contaminants,
  • floodplain delineation,
  • industrial waste treatment, and
  • surface and subsurface hydrology.

运用你的知识为持续存在的环境问题设计原创的解决方案, 同时培养在大学教授环境工程的资格证书. 晚上的小班授课将为你提供很大的灵活性. Department course offerings are scheduled through 2020, allowing you to arrange an uninterrupted plan of study.

你将沉浸在各种各样的工程方法中,这将使你成为一个全面发展的学者, industry engineer or researcher. You’ll also form close relationships with your cohort, a dynamic student body representing a wide range of ethnic, national and racial identities.

Classes & Curriculum

您完成的课程将与您的研究顾问和博士顾问委员会协商后选择,并遵循您的学术计划大纲. Some of the areas you might study include the

  • 环境工程系统优化分子生物学技术的发展,
  • emerging contaminants in the environment,
  • floodplain delineation,
  • industrial waste treatment,
  • instrumentation and sensor technology,
  • tracking and treatment of pharmaceuticals,
  • ultrasonic techniques to break down hazardous chemicals, and
  • usage of microorganisms to remediate acid mine damage.

Take a look at the full list of required courses.

PhDs Awarded

截至2016年秋季,有11名候选人参加了环境工程博士课程. One doctorate was awarded in the 2015–2016 academic year.

Environmental Engineering PhD student in a lab

Completion Requirements


  • If you have a master’s degree, 必须完成15学分的博士水平教学课程和15学分的博士考试和论文研究, for a total of 30 credits.
  • If you only have a bachelor’s degree, 必须完成45学分的硕士和博士水平的教学课程和15学分的博士考试和论文研究, for a total of 60 credits. See the Admissions section below for more information.  

Between didactic coursework, dissertation research and examinations, the PhD can take four or five years, depending on your trajectory and project interests. You have up to seven years to complete your degree.

There are three major pieces of culminating work.

  • Preliminary examination: 这个考试评估你的沟通、信息综合和研究能力.
  • Dissertation proposal: 研究并撰写你的提案,并在公开的大学研讨会上展示它.
  • Dissertation writing and defense: 在论文委员会面前展示和辩护你的论文.

Labs & Research

Students have access to cutting-edge tools, equipment and research being done at the College of Engineering. 有机会参加研究资助的研究在专业领域,如

  • absorption/desorption, 
  • advanced oxidation,
  • emerging contaminants in the environment,
  • environmental biotechnology,
  • fate and transformation of environmental contaminants,
  • nanoparticles, and
  • surface and subsurface hydrology.

The Water and Environmental Technology Center (WET中心)由美国国家科学基金会资助,旨在促进创新技术的研究,以减轻新兴和传统污染物. 目前,该中心有30多个行业和政府成员. Temple’s Office of Sustainability 还赞助以可持续发展为导向的研究和倡议,以提高外联和参与.

您将有机会与土木与环境工程系的教师以及其他部门的成员合作进行研究项目. 跨学科研究涉及生物化学、分子生物学和化学等领域. Recent studies have involved

这种跨学科的机会使研究生能够发挥创造性, innovative approaches to their research.


Research Funding

2016-2017年,工程学院的活跃研究经费超过1400万美元. 在包括美国国立卫生研究院在内的知名机构的外部支持下, the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Navy and the American Heart Association, PG电子试玩平台工程学院的教职员工正在从事先进的研究. 研究生将有很多机会与教师合作进行创新项目和实验. 看看工程学院的全套实验室吧.

In 2016, 美国国家科学基金会(National Science Foundation)将PG电子试玩平台列为研究支出前100名之一, which amounted to $242 million. 了解更多关于大学扩大的研究支持工作.

Carnegie Classification

2016年,PG电子试玩平台被美国科学研究院评为R1“最高研究活动”机构 Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education在全国所有四年制教育机构中排名前4%. 坦普尔的研究事业以其对社区的关注而与众不同, 利用先进的技术对人们的生活产生积极的影响.

Tuition & Fees

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, 这个哲学博士学位提供有竞争力的学费水平和多种经济支持机会.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, including program degree level (undergraduate or graduate), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, and more. These tuition costs apply to the 2023–2024 academic year.

Pennsylvania resident: $1,280.00 per credit
Out-of-state: $1,675.00 per credit

You can view the full 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.

PhD Advising

博士生应在申请前确定一名指导教师. 指导教师将指导您浏览课程并选择合适的课程,以实现您的学术和职业目标. Applicants may reach out to faculty via the faculty directory


Additional Program Information