
地球与空间科学理学学士(带教学) in Temple’s 科学技术学院 is designed for Geology Majors who want to pursue a career in education in science, 技术, 工程或数学(STEM). 的 124-credit-hour interdisciplinary 地球与空间科学与教学 BS degree is offered through Temple’s TUteach program. 完成该学位的学生将获得宾夕法尼亚州一级教学证书.


作为一个地球与空间科学专业的学生, 你将在地质学方面打下坚实的基础, 天文学及相关科学. 你还将学习如何利用科学原理来解决问题. This program provides a solid foundation in the field of Earth and Space Sciences through classroom instruction, 实验室和实地工作, 本科科研. 在四年的课程中,你将能够

  • 在分析地质和物理数据时应用理论和观测框架, 测试假设和解决问题.
  • 通过书面和口头报告与来自不同背景的个人进行沟通.
  • 设计和提供基于探究的数学和科学课程, 分组课程, 还有全套课程.
  • 讨论与影响社会和地球的地球和空间科学相关的问题.
  • 与导师和导师合作,培养良好的教学技能.

更一般的, you will leave knowing how to create a classroom environment of respect that fosters a positive climate for all students to perform to their fullest potential.


TUteach是由 科学技术学院教育与人类发展学院. TUteach integrates a secondary school (grades 7 through 12) mathematics or science teaching track so you can become eligible to take the Praxis certification exam upon graduation.


TUteach项目让数学和科学专业的学生提早入学, 丰富的职前教学经验, 当前的教学工具, 以及广泛的指导和支持. 的 program integrates a secondary school (grades 7 through 12) science or mathematics teaching track so that you can become eligible to take the Pennsylvania Department of Education Praxis certification exam (or the certification exams in states with reciprocal agreements) upon graduation. 该计划还结合了你各自的科学或数学学位的基础知识. 作为TUteach的毕业生,你可以在私立或公立学校从事职业, 国外任教, 或进入STEM的研究生学位课程. 你也可以从事课程开发和科学研究工作.

地球与空间科学教学专业有灵活的入学点,并允许实习, 有科研和留学经历.

类 & 课程

课程 in the 地球与空间科学教学专业 are split between foundations of earth and planetary science, 实验室工作, 教师培训. 在校园里和社区里也有很多实习机会.





TUteach offers degrees in all natural sciences along with multiple options for students interested in mathematics. 专业


TUteach students can also take advantage of fieldwork and internship options in the area of STEM Education. 探索TUteach的实地工作和实习经历.


科学技术学院提供+1速成学士-硕士课程. 学生可以获得学士或学士学位,并在第五年结束时获得硕士或硕士学位. 课程作业在五年内完成,而不是通常的六年课程.



You can also earn a 地球与空间科学教学专业 from the 科学技术学院 and a Master of Education from the 教育与人类发展学院. 符合条件的学生可以在五年内获得硕士学位,而不是通常的六年. 了解更多关于攻读这个加速学位的信息.


International students have the opportunity to earn a bachelor’s degree from their home institution and a graduate degree from Temple over five years. 这个多学科项目包括坦普尔大学的本科和研究生水平的课程. 学生为当今全球经济和就业市场的职业生涯做好准备.

了解更多有关 科学技术学院’s Dual Bachelor-Master Program for international students.


的 科学技术学院 offers 3+4 Accelerated Degree Programs in a seven-year course of study, 而不是通常的八年. Qualifying undergraduate students can obtain the 地球与空间科学教学专业 from CST and a

  • 科恩伯格牙科学院牙科医学博士;
  • 足病医学院足病医学博士;
  • 刘易斯·卡茨医学院的医学博士,或者
  • 药学院药学博士.



Qualified students can earn the 地球与空间科学教学专业 and a Doctor of Physical 的rapy from the College of Public Health over a five-year course of study, 而不是通常的六年.



的 科学技术学院 后学士学位预科课程 is designed for students planning to apply to medical school or pursue other health-related professions. 该计划提供以下两个轨道.

  • 的 Basic Core in Health Sciences is intended for professionals who need the required science courses to apply to medical school.
  • 的 Advanced Core in Health Sciences is a program for current students who have met the premedical requirements and who seek advanced science coursework.

Both tracks include classes in the Lewis Katz School of Medicine 和 科学技术学院. 了解更多关于科学技术学院的学士学位后预健康计划.

学费 & 费用

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, the Bachelor of Science offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple opportunities for financial support.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), 居住在州内或州外, 和更多的. 你可以看到完整的 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.


宾夕法尼亚州居民: $22,224.00 /年
州外: $36,624.00 /年